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Ongoing Community Engagement

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As the project has developed it became apparent that in Edmonton and Eastern Enfield that engagement was very important. It was not enough to ask them to come to panels or hubs, and although some will come, to reach deep into the communities there you have to engage them on their own territory.


So as part of this project we have started to do this by joining the Artists Hive monthly sessions where we present about our project, talk to people and use the survey forms as a catalyst. We joined in with the Anchor Windrush Festival and reached out to many in the Caribbean community. We also visited the Rumi Mosque and this turned into a lively mini panel.


We also involved groups into our actual panel to lead discussions groups like the Bike Library, the Enfield Food Alliance, Bread & Butter, Cooking Champions, the Co-op young pioneers and more. These events have led to more invitations to meet groups and talk about climate change and public health and engage people in dialogue in their own locations.


So this we will do not as a follow up but in the understanding now that engaging people in hubs and panels is important but that it does not end there. There has to be a continuous flow of engagement and dialogue.


This will be built into our post project activities and the project itself has become a catalyst to make this happen

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